Employee, VA or AI: How to Pick the Perfect Support System for Your Biz

Running a business can feel like you're spinning plates—keeping everything in motion while hoping none crash down.  

The reality is you don’t need to do it all yourself.  

In fact, no successful business owner has made it on their own without support.  

The key? Finding the right type of support to meet your business needs. 

Let's look at four of the most common support options available: hiring an employee, working with a local virtual assistant, working with an international virtual assistant, or implementing AI and automation.  

By the end, you'll have the insights you need to choose the perfect fit for your business and start reclaiming your time to focus on the things that really move the needle. 

Why Support Matters 

First things first, let’s bust a myth: the self-made business owner doing it all solo is just that—a myth. No one can be good at everything, and nor should you be!  
There are specific tasks only you can handle—big-picture decisions, high-level strategy, business development—those are where your focus should be. So, let’s start by asking a simple question: 

What kind of support does your business need? 

Step 1: What’s the Scope of the Work? 

One of the biggest factors in choosing the right support system is understanding the scope of work you need help with. Do you need help with one area of your business—say, marketing or admin—or do you need a more generalist approach? Are the tasks ongoing or one-off projects? 

  • If you're looking for specialised, recurring tasks like marketing or design, an employee or a local virtual assistant (VA) might be best. They can work closely with you on an ongoing basis and bring a deeper understanding of your business. 

  • If the work is more general or spread across different areas, such as admin, customer service, and operations, a generalist VA might be a better option—either local or overseas, depending on your preference. 

  • And if you're looking for repetitive tasks to be handled efficiently and consistently, AI and automation could take those off your plate entirely. 

Example: For marketing support, you might need someone hands-on, which could point you towards an employee or a specialist VA. If the tasks are more routine, like data entry or managing client inquiries, AI could be a game-changer. 

Step 2: In-Person or Remote? 

Another big consideration is whether the work needs to be done in person or remotely. If you need someone physically present—whether to greet clients or run errands—you're likely looking at hiring an employee. But if the tasks can be handled remotely, you can open up options like working with a VA or using AI tools to automate workflows. 

Pro tip: Be clear with yourself—are you just used to having someone in the office, or is it actually necessary? Many tasks can be managed remotely or automated these days, so take a good look at whether an in-person presence is truly required. 

Step 3: Customer Interaction—AI vs. Human 

Does your support person need to interact with clients? If so, the level of interaction required will help guide your choice. 

  • For high-level conversations or complex customer support, a person—whether an employee or a VA—will be more suitable. 

  • If the interactions are more routine or repetitive, such as booking appointments or handling simple inquiries, AI can be a great option. 

Example: If a chatbot can handle basic customer service queries, you’ll save a ton of time while ensuring your clients get the answers they need quickly and efficiently. But for more nuanced interactions or sales inquiries, having a human touch is still valuable. 

Step 4: Your Management Style 

Now let’s talk about you (or whoever will be managing the support). Be brutally honest—how do you like to manage? 

  • If you’re hands-on, constantly checking in and overseeing the work, an employee, international VA or local VA might make you feel more comfortable. You'll have regular face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) contact and a strong sense of control. 

  • On the flip side, if you're more hands-off and prefer to let someone run with things, a proactive local VA or even AI tools could be a better fit. 

For those of you who hate delegating, AI might actually be the perfect solution. You can maintain control over processes while freeing yourself from routine tasks. 

Step 5: Budget and Availability 

Of course, cost is a major factor. If you’ve got a budget over $5,000 a month, you could hire an employee, a local or overseas VA, or even a combination of VAs and AI tools. If your budget is lower—say under $2,000—you’re looking at either overseas VAs or diving into AI and automation. 

Also, think about how available you will be. Hiring a virtual assistant—especially one overseas—may require more of your time upfront, while an employee might need more hands-on management in the long run. 

Pro tip: Don’t forget that hiring an employee comes with hidden costs—PAYE, ACC, equipment, and leave entitlements. With a VA, you’re only paying for productive hours, with no additional overheads. 

Step 6: How Much Support Do You Really Need? 

This is where many business owners get tripped up. Do you really need 40 hours of support every week, or could 10-15 highly productive hours be enough? The average office worker is only productive for about 2 hours and 53 minutes a day. That means you could potentially save money—and get just as much done—with a part-time VA instead of a full-time employee. 

With AI, you’re only paying for the tools you use, which can handle many repetitive tasks without the ongoing costs of a full-time salary. 

What’s Your Next Move? 

At the end of the day, the right support system for your business will come down to the specific tasks you need handled, your budget, and how much hands-on management you’re comfortable with. Whether you decide on an employee, a VA, or AI, one thing is certain: getting support will help you step out of the day-to-day grind and focus on growing your business. 

If you're still unsure about which direction to go, take our quiz below to find out what support system will fit your business best. Or, if you're ready to dive in, let’s chat about how we can help you implement a solution tailored to your needs. 


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