What Do I Get When I Work With Strictly Savvy

What Do I Get When I Work WIth Strictly Savvy

When you choose to work with Strictly Savvy, you're opting for New Zealand's top virtual assistant agency.

We have a proven track record and have worked with over 500 clients since 2012 (check out our reviews page to hear about their experience first-hand). You could say we know our stuff!  

As you consider working with us, you might be curious about what we bring to the table. We're here with answers to some of our most common questions: 

Is My Data Secure?

Your data security and confidentiality are paramount to us.  

We use the latest software and tools to centralise security and control over both our team and your information. Here's what that looks like: 

  • Password Management: We utilise the premium version of LastPass, ensuring secure storage of passwords and codes. Access control is in our hands, and we can revoke access at any time without revealing passwords to our virtual assistants. 

  • Remote Device Management: Our software enables real-time location tracking of all laptops and mobile devices, with the capability to wipe them remotely if necessary. 

  • File Access: Microsoft's SharePoint facilitates restricted file access, managed through user groups. Authorisation is centrally controlled and can be adjusted as needed. 

  • Non-disclosure Agreements: We are open to signing non-disclosure agreements upon your request. 

  • Employee Vetting: Each team member undergoes criminal conviction checks, ensuring a clean record for all. 

What if my VA goes on leave?

We train a backup virtual assistant for each client who will be ready and able to undertake your tasks should your dedicated VA be absent.  

If your VA is away, we will arrange the backup assistant for you so that you have uninterrupted service. This is one of the major benefits to working with a Strictly Savvy VA that you won't find with an employee – guaranteed continuity of service. 

What if there's a task my VA can't handle?

When you come on board with Strictly Savvy, our Client Success Manager matches you to the team member who's skillset most accurately matches the tasks that you want to delegate. But, in the unlikely event that there's a task your VA can't handle alone, they have the support of our entire team.  

Your VA will oversee task delegation, ensuring it's completed by the most qualified team member. 

With a diverse range of skillsets and VAs from backgrounds in a wide range of industries, it's rare that there is a task we cannot complete for you.  

How do I know what I'm paying for?

Working with a virtual team member can leave some business owners feeling anxious as they don't have a direct line of sight over what their VA is doing with their time.  

With Strictly Savvy, you only pay for productive time spent on your tasks. We meticulously track time using a time tracking tool called Harvest, which provides you with detailed overviews of tasks completed and the time they took. 

What if I need to increase or decrease the support I'm receiving?

Scalable support is important for business owners, and we make this super easy for our clients. Whether you need to increase or decrease support, we're adaptable. Let your virtual assistant or our Client Success Manager know about your changing needs, and we can adjust your subscription plan accordingly. 

What if I hire an in-house employee to take over?

If your business has grown to the point that it's time to hire an in-house employee, we've got you covered (and we're cheering you on from the sidelines for taking this huge step!).  

We maintain comprehensive digital handbooks documenting all processes and tasks that we complete for you. These handbooks cover the what, when, why and how behind tasks and will often provide instructions in both written and video format. We can provide this handbook which will serve as a complete training manual along with virtual training sessions to ensure a smooth transition to your new team member.

What if it doesn't work out?

Sometimes, despite efforts, a VA may not be the perfect fit for you. Have a quick chat to our Client Success Manager and we can arrange a switch to you to another VA on the Savvy team, hassle-free.  

We don't lock you in to long-term contracts, so if you decide to terminate services, we just require one month's notice. We'll strive to make the process as seamless as possible, ensuring you receive one final invoice after you finish up with us. 

So many business owners can benefit from working with a Strictly Savvy VA.

But we're not for everyone! We're not right for people that need a team member physically in their office, someone that needs full-time ongoing support, or for businesses who can't move their operations into the cloud.  

We are perfect for businesses that need risk-free, scalable support from an award-winning team of virtual assistants. Ready to learn more? Book a chat with us here to discuss how a virtual assistant could work in your business.  


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