How Much Time Do I Have To Commit To Training My Virtual Assistant?

"How Much Time Do I Have To Commit To Training My Virtual Assistant?" on the left with pink background, featuring a woman sitting on steps on the right

As a busy entrepreneur or business owner, you might be considering hiring a virtual assistant to help with tasks that take up too much of your time. Before you make the decision to bring on a VA, it's important to understand the amount of time and effort required to get them up and running. 

Three steps for training a virtual assistant listed vertically with pink bullet points, connected by a pink line running down the centre

The first step to working with a VA is to have a handover, which typically takes up to two hours. During this time, the VA will gather as much information as possible from you, including what tasks you want them to undertake, login information, and processes and procedures for the tasks they will be doing. 

There may be some quick wins that you'll see immediately after the handover, such as small tasks being taken off your plate. However, it's important to note that the handover is just the beginning and ongoing communication and feedback is crucial for the VA's ongoing success. This can be done through regular phone calls or communication as often as possible. 

Within the first one to two months, you'll notice a significant decrease in your admin time and see some rewards, whether it's financial or just having time back in your own day. However, it's an ongoing process and you need to be able to dedicate some time to it initially, just like you would with a new employee. 

Plan for approximately a month to start noticing significant progress, and the feeling of not having to dedicate as much time to training. Your investment of time will generally be one-off when you initially get things going, and then it's just about maintaining that and letting your VA take over. 

Hiring a virtual assistant can be a game-changer for your business, but it's important to approach it with a clear understanding of the process. Dedicate the necessary time to the handover and ongoing communication, and you'll see the benefits of having a VA take on some of your workload within the first few months.  

Whether it's saving time, increasing productivity, or generating more revenue, a virtual assistant can have a significant positive impact on your business. With the right approach and a bit of patience, you'll find that working with a VA is a valuable investment in the growth and success of your business! 

Want to learn more about how a virtual assistant could help you? Book a discovery call with our team today. 


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