Optimise Your Time By Learning To Delegate On The Run

Person typing on a laptop with a pink background and the text 'Optimise your time by learning to delegate on the run' overlaid on the bottom

Delegating is the key to unlocking more time and productivity, but we know it can be a challenge to find the time to do it when you're already so busy! 

Graphic with a microphone icon and soundwave illustration, with the text 'Delegating on the run might just be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.' in pink on a gradient pink background

That's where our easy delegation tip comes in.  

Picture this: you're rushing between meetings, phone in hand, trying to remember everything you need to delegate to your virtual assistant. Sounds stressful, right?  

But with a messaging app like WhatsApp, you can delegate tasks with just a few taps of your finger and get them out of your head, fast! 

No more scrambling for a pen and paper, or frantically typing out an email.  

Just hit the voice record button, and give your virtual assistant clear instructions on what needs to be done.  

Plus, you can attach any relevant documents or notes from meetings to ensure that nothing gets lost in translation. 

Our personal favorite is WhatsApp, but feel free to use whichever app you prefer. The best part? You can delegate tasks while you're on the move!  

Walking to your next meeting, waiting for your coffee order, or even lounging on the couch - all perfect opportunities to delegate tasks and free up some valuable headspace. 

Delegating on the run might just be the game-changer you've been looking for. 

Ready to get delegating?  

Chat to us about the things that we could get off your to-do list.  


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